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The ABC's of Kentucky

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The ABC's of Kentucky

We're releasing a limited run of our "ABCs of Kentucky" print designed by illustrator Robert Bridges at 10 a.m. Friday!

Happy Birthday to Us!

By Coleman Larkin |

Happy Birthday to Us!

Kentucky for Kentucky dropped its first Facebook post on April 27, 2011, and a whole lot of awesomeness followed. On the occasion of our fifth anniversary, here's a look at how it all started and where we're headed. Hell yeah. Let's do it.

The Kentucky Room

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Kentucky Room

In order to make the "ABC's of Kentucky" print, we knew that we needed to dig deeper and get a closer look at our Kentucky roots, which is why we made a trip to the Kentucky Room at the Central Branch of the Lexington Public Library. Established in the 1920s, The Kentucky Room houses hundreds …

Kentucky Sweets: Bourbon Balls, Spoonbread & Mile High Pie

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Sweets: Bourbon Balls, Spoonbread & Mile High Pie

"I'm proud to be an American, but I'm even prouder to be a Kentuckian."
A native of Richmond, graduate of Centre College, and a former resident of Louisville's Butchertown neighborhood, Sarah Baird's Commonwealth spirit is on full display in her new book Kentucky Sweets: Bourbon Balls, Spoonbread & Mile High Pie. Though she now lives …