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By Andrew Allingham |


Y'all loved our Ivy Leagued-out Y'ALL sweatshirts. So much, y'all kept sending us emails asking for some Y'ALL t-shirts. 783 emails to be exact. Y'all spoke and we listened. Say hello to the all-new Y'ALL t-shirts. We're dropping these hot like Jennifer Lawrence on Friday November 15th at 10:30am. 

David Kenton Kring x Kentucky for Kentucky

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

David Kenton Kring  x Kentucky for Kentucky

Lexington artist David Kring really throws down for the Commonwealth. The same man who brought you the Lincoln flask took a swig of Kentucky spirit and got to work on a crispy new kick-ass vision. This time, he made us matching Colonel Sanders mugs and flasks – and we said hell yes, ya'll!
David designed …

"Heaven Must Be A Kentucky Kind Of Place"

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

"Heaven Must Be A Kentucky Kind Of Place"

If you're a Kick Ass Kentuckian, it's your duty to watch the Food Network's all-new series : 'Southern at Heart' with Damaris Phillips. Why?
1. Damaris is a kick ass Kentuckian that recently won The Next Food Network Star.
2. The show takes place in Louisville Kentucky. The show is like a big awesome ad …

Oxford American : SoLost: Rebranding Kentucky (A Guerilla Love Story)

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

A few weeks back we had the pleasure of sitting down with Dave Anderson from the Oxford American Magazine and shooting a little video about rebranding Kentucky for their 'SoLost' series. Check out the video below and you can read all about it on Oxford American by clicking here.



By Kentucky For Kentucky |


Yale doesn't like people that say Y'all. We showed them. Available for purchase on our website this Thursday (Oct 17th) at 10:30 am. See y'all then.