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Ed McClanahan's Kentucky

By Richard Bailey |

Ed McClanahan's Kentucky

"Captain Kentucky" takes us on a road trip through the Commonwealth and the places that informed his literary roots.

A Red Hot Kentucky Summer

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

A Red Hot Kentucky Summer

What a summer! From Bill Murray in a KY for KY tee to Cocaine Bear and tubin' on the creek, we've had some wild times and the fun keeps rolling on. Thanks for helping us make it epic, y'all!

Kick Ass Kentucky Zombies

By KY for KY Store Admin |

Kick Ass Kentucky Zombies

AMC's hit show the Walking Dead was invented right here in Kentucky by two kick ass Kentuckians, writer Robert Kirkman and artist Tony Moore. Like the rest of America, we're huge fans of the show. The finale of the Walking Dead's third season airs this Sunday. We can't wait. As a tribute to the season …