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Become an Instant Kentucky Derby Expert

By KY for KY Store Admin |

Become an Instant Kentucky Derby Expert

Impress friends, annoy strangers and win side bets with these obscure facts and lore about the world's greatest race.

Trending Secret Derby Wager Menu Hacks

By Andrew Allingham |

Trending Secret Derby Wager Menu Hacks
Another year of horse racing is in full swing here in Kentucky. Basic wagers are all fine and dandy...if you're a square. It's a new year to be the new you, try out one of these truly exotic derby secret wager menu hacks!

Now, it may take a few tellers before you'll find one hip to these new wagers, but I hear they're quite the trend on tiktok. So stop eating tide pods, or deviously licking stuff in the bathroom, it's Derby time! 

River City Shenanigans

By Coleman Larkin |

River City Shenanigans

Why Louisville is the epicenter of St. Paddy's Day celebrations in Kentucky.

Re-Meet (the First, the Original, the Real) Cocaine Bear

By KY for KY Store Admin |

Re-Meet (the First, the Original, the Real) Cocaine Bear
Since Kentucky for Kentucky named and christened Cocaine Bear the official Kentucky mascot in 2015, Cocaine Bear has been melting hearts worldwide. Never before has a character so captivated such a broad demographic of people. His allure is universal. His renegade spirit resonates.

Sexiest Places in Kentucky

By Andrew Allingham |

Sexiest Places in Kentucky
Kentucky is a mighty romantic place. With its rolling hills, beautiful sunsets, game winning shots, and flowing bourbon, it's no wonder Kentucky is home to some of the sexiest place names in the world. The following is a list of the sexiest we could find, in alphabetical order.