Kentucky’s people and places embody boundless abundance and beauty. We believe in Kentucky, we know Kentucky Kicks Ass (it’s kind of our whole thing)! While this is our rallying cry, we do realize many Kentuckians experience inequity and struggle to thrive. Let’s do something!
While Cocaine Bear is off rubbing elbows with horror luminaries at Scarefest this weekend, Friday 10/20 through Sunday 10/22/2023, we have a new friend of the bear we'd like to introduce you to... Little Tom Fuckery!
FEATURING JIM VARNEY BIOGRAPHER JUSTIN LLOYD! Come to the KY for KY Fun Mall, 1315 Winchester Rd #321 in Lexington KY for our first ever ERNEST DAY! Saturday, July 15th, from 12 PM to 3 PM, join us for a special book signing of The Importance of Being Ernest: Life of Actor Jim Varney with biographer, Justin Lloyd. Q&A + other fun stuff to follow! Justin Lloyd, nephew and biographer of Jim Varney, is generously permitting the temporary display of valuable memorabilia, including Varney's Emmy Award trophy! Stay tuned for other shenanigans as we celebrate actor, comedian, and Kick Ass...
Don't miss the KY for KY Fun Mall Grand Opening, Saturday, June 17 2023, in our brand spanking new location, with new and improved Cocaine Bear experience!
Central Kentucky is set to celebrate Black culinary culture during the third annual SoulFeast Week, coming to Lexington, Kentucky, June 16th - 25th, 2023.