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By Kentucky For Kentucky |


The new bourbon documentary that looks as good as bourbon tastes

AJ Hochhalter makes music for movies. And every time he goes to a film festival he makes sure to bring along a nice bottle of bourbon. It's a celebratory thing. It's also a matter of pride. He's Kentucky bred, still lives and works …

One twenty seven. 

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

One twenty seven. 


Iconic enough that anyone "in the know" needn't elaborate with excessive descriptors. For those uninformed, it refers to the name and number of the Highway that stretches from Michigan down to Alabama and (more specifically) the 690 miles that are home to the "World's Largest Yard Sale." The annual event began in '87 …

Hemp Hustlers

By Coleman Larkin |

Hemp Hustlers

I thought it would be more of a hush-hush kind of situation. I thought I'd be getting frisked and putting on a hazmat suit and coughing up a lot of identification for some square jaw in mirrored aviator shades.
The four-and-a-half acres of hemp I was going to check out is, after all, the first …

The Night Market Is Coming! Well Crafted is Coming!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Night Market Is Coming! Well Crafted is Coming!

Get ready Kentucky, the NoLi CDC's Night Market is back! Back in action this Friday August 7th from 6-10pm. Hell yeah! An epic Northside evening of live music (Big Maracas), yummy craft beer (West Sixth), cool local vendors (like us), food trucks, 5,000 kick-ass Kentuckians (and a few tourists), fresh air, hip outdoor lighting (makes …


By Kentucky For Kentucky |


Good news Kentucky! We've got some fresh new hats for all you proud kick-ass Kentuckians dropping later this week! On Friday August 7th at 10am, we'll have six brand new 5-panel trucker hats available for purchase on our website: Y'ALL hats, 'Kentucky Kicks Ass' hats, 'USA Bourbon Drinking Team' hats and even a bad ass …