Kentucky is chock-full of oddities you just won't find anywhere else. Ask some West Coast hippie for a hot bowl of goo goo stew and chances are they won't have any idea what you're talking about. But that's OK. We wouldn't have it any other way. Test your Kentucky IQ by seeing how many of …
This week, we're happy to announce a partnership with Kern's Kitchen and A Taste of Kentucky in order to offer you the original Kentucky dessert: DerbyPie®, right here on the Kentucky for Kentucky website.
We recently sat down with Walter and Leaudra Kern's great-grandson Jon Rupp to learn a little more …
There are 17 billion reasons why Kentucky kicks ass. That's why our commonwealth's slogan is 'Kentucky Kicks Ass'. Recently we commissioned Kentucky artist David Wischer to create an epic art print containing all 17 billion reasons why Kentucky kicks ass. Quite the challenge considering the print was only 19″ x 25″. David tried and tried but in …