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47 Reasons Why Kentucky Kicks Ass

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

There are 17 billion reasons why Kentucky kicks ass. That's why our commonwealth's slogan is 'Kentucky Kicks Ass'. Recently we commissioned Kentucky artist David Wischer to create an epic art print containing all 17 billion reasons why Kentucky kicks ass. Quite the challenge considering the print was only 19″ x 25″. David tried and tried but in the was only able to fit 47 reasons on a 19″ x 25″ print. The good news is, there's gonna be 361,702,127 prints in the series.

So here are the 47 reasons that Kick Ass Kentuckian David decided to celebrate in his epic '47 Reasons Why Kentucky Kicks Ass' print: 1.Clooney/Depp 2. Jennifer Lawrence/Oscar 3. Bluegrass Music 4. Basketball 5. Derby 6. "Happy Birthday To You" 7. Forecastle Festival 8. Hunter S Thompson 9. NCAA Championships 10. Colonel Sanders/KFC 11. Albino Squirrels 12. Snake Handlers 13. Peace Bell 14. Walking Dead 15. Loretta Lynn 16. Rabbit Hash/Dog Mayor 17. Disco Ball 18. Turtle Man 19. Horses 20. Diane Sawyer 21. Corvettes 22. Louisville Sluggers 23. Enamel Bathtub 24. Mammoth Cave 25. Creation Museum 26. Fruit of the Loom 27. Derby Pie 28. Audubon Park 29. Abe Lincoln 30. Henry Earl 31. Bourbon 32. JIFF 33. High Five 34. Cheeseburger 35. Muhammed Ali 36. Donut Trail 37. Mint Julep 38. Fort Knox 39. Big Bone Lick 40. Florence Water Tower 41. Gangsters/Tommy Gun 42. Ale 8 43. Air Kentucky (Life Aquatic) 44. Moonbow 45. Daniel Boone 46. Blue People 47. Mark Spitz Swimsuit

This print is a 19″ x 25″, 3 screen, silkscreen print on white 100-pound French brand paper. It was printed at Northern Kentucky University, where David teaches Printmaking and Foundations Design. He will start teaching at University of Kentucky in the Fall (congrats on the new gig David). Only 300 first edition prints will be available. They will be sold online (dates to be announced) and at the Forecastle Festival in Louisville this weekend.

More proof that Kentucky does kick ass!



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