We've been searching far and wide for MORE vintage Kentucky highway maps that we could use for ANOTHER kick ass print project with our main man Olive Hill Tim Jones. After a few months of acquiring more of these sweet old Kentucky highway maps we're back in action. Back to the future. Back to releasing …
Kick Ass Kentuckian Albert Benjamin "Happy" Chandler, Sr. once said:
"I Never Met A Kentuckian Who Wasn't Either Thinking About Going Home Or Actually Going Home"
We love this Happy Chandler quote. it's epic and it's true. There's no place like Kentucky. It's the kick ass state. In honor of Happy Chandler and his epic …
Ran across this fan photo of kick ass Kentuckian & Oscar winner Jennifer Lawrence rocking a 'Kentucky Kicks Ass' t-shirt on twitter. This made our day, she's amazing. She's a believer.
We've been searching far and wide for vintage Kentucky highway maps that we could use for a print project with our main man Olive Hill Tim Jones. After months and months of acquiring these old Kentucky highway maps we finally released of few of these beautiful prints last week. This was the first batch of …
A few months back we purchased this great vintage Kentucky pennant from the 1950's.
We have now turned that pennant into an amazing shirt.
Which is now available in our web store.