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By Kentucky For Kentucky |


Every week on Instagram, we're gonna be hooking up five kick ass Kentuckians with Kentucky for Kentucky swag. All you've gotta do for a chance to win is –
1. Post a selfie to Instagram wearing your KYforKY gear.
2. Tag us @KentuckyforKentucky
3. Use the hashtag #KentuckyKicksAss
4. Now you're entered to win free …

Kentucky Kicks Ass Tattoos

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Kicks Ass Tattoos

Nothing says I love you like a tattoo. It's one of the highest forms of flattery for a brand. On May 22, 2013 we asked our friends on Facebook if they'd like a 'Kentucky Kicks Ass' tattoo. We also offered to pay (using only Abe Lincolns). Since then we've been hooking a bunch of kick …

Kentucky's bourbon business is booming right now. Distilleries can't keep up with the demand. The Kentucky Bourbon Trail was recently number one on USA Today's list of '10 Amazing North American Road Trips'. National Geographic Traveler magazine also recently named Kentucky's Bourbon Trail as one of its best spring trips for 2013. To top all …