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The Night Market Is Coming!

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Night Market Is Coming!

Get ready Kentucky, the NoLi CDC's Night Market is back! Back in action this Friday September 4th from 6-10pm. Hell yeah! An epic Northside evening of live music (Born Cross Eyed), yummy craft beer (West Sixth), cool local vendors (like us), food trucks, 5,000 kick-ass Kentuckians (and a few tourists), fresh air, hip outdoor lighting …

The Kentucky State Fair

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

The Kentucky State Fair

The 111th Kentucky State Fair sprawls out before ticket-holders across the 416 acres in Louisville. Entrants move in swarms across the vast lots, parting the wafts of manure scent carried on the breeze. They tunnel through the Exposition Center wings at a leisurely, summertime pace. A multicolored trail of balloons bobs along with the foot …

Kentucky Creatures

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Kentucky Creatures

Ladies and gentlemen, the latest trend in Kentucky related stuffed toys is here! We proudly present to you- The Kentucky Creatures! Deep down in the endless maze of Mammoth Cave there exists a creature so unique it can only come from Kentucky. Hidden within the Commonwealth for so long, these Creatures not only evolved into the shape of Kentucky, …

Adam Brewer’s Cuddle House

By Coleman Larkin |

Adam Brewer’s Cuddle House

You don't often hear people from other parts of the state distinguish between Eastern Kentucky and Southeastern Kentucky, but it's true, they're different. Not a lot. Just enough to notice if you're the kind of person that notices things.
It really boils down to a feeling.
In Eastern Kentucky—in Pike and Floyd and …

Steven Spielberg, Some Green Men, and Hopkinsville

By Erick Moore |

Steven Spielberg, Some Green Men, and Hopkinsville

Near midnight on the evening of August 21st (over sixty years ago now), twenty different police officers from various divisions hastily arrived at the scene of the rural farmhouse belonging to the Sutton family, located in Kelly, Kentucky near Hopkinsville. The screen door was torn, a previously placid home reportedly riddled throughout the course of …