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What Kentucky Kids Grow Up Knowing

By Jim Jackson |

What Kentucky Kids Grow Up Knowing

As schools start back across the Commonwealth, we take a look at some of the essential knowledge that comes with being a Kentuckian.


By Kentucky For Kentucky |


Happy National Bourbon Heritage Month! Happy Kentucky Bourbon Festival! This weekend (September 18-20th) we'll be celebrating America's Native Spirit in Bardstown at the Kentucky Bourbon Festival. The world's greatest festival celebrating the world's greatest drink. We'll be there with our big ol' Kentucky for Kentucky tent serving up the Commonwealth's freshest bourbon gear, Y'ALL gear …

Allegra Lockstadt's "Kentucky Home Far Away" Print

By Kentucky For Kentucky |

Allegra Lockstadt's "Kentucky Home Far Away" Print





Allegra Lockstadt, our featured artist this week, has created a Kentucky image that is richly detailed and deeply embedded in the natural world of our lush state. Allegra spent many of her formative years in Kentucky, though she now draws from afar. Many displaced …