It's time for derby season, Kentucky, and the horses aren't the only ones who need to show. You've got to be ready to appear at the track with style and grace – and what better way to do so than wearing a pair of earrings handcrafted in the Bluegrass? When we told Meg that we …
The mission of Kentucky for Kentucky is to engage and inform the world by promoting Kentucky people, places, and products. Last November we added scents to that mission statement by introducing a line of candles called 'Scents of The Commonwealth'. You might remember the 'Fried Chicken' candles – the hottest holiday gift of 2013. We're …
Let's give a toast to the Commonwealth, y'all, and gather round for the Makers Mark Handcraft Festival down in Loretto, Kentucky at the distillery. We'll be there peddling the finest Kentucky for Kentucky wares, drinking the finest of bourbons, and kicking ass. At the event, there will be 27 vendors selling handmade wares and 9 …
A Third Running Of "The Kentucky Derby Is Decadent and Depraved" Print Available Friday, April 25th!

Last April, we launched an epic print celebrating the most exciting two minutes in sports – the motha freakin' Kentucky Derby. We collaborated with Louisville artist Rachael Sinclair on this decadent and depraved print. Not just any print, an infographic of kick-ass Kentuckian Hunter S. Thompson's famous essay on the 1970 Kentucky Derby – …
Sometimes here at Kentucky for Kentucky we like to settle in with a good read, and when we do, it's always something unique and inspiring about our favorite state. When a copy of Kiran Bhatraju's Mud Creek Medicine: The Life of Eula Hall and the Fight for Appalachia found its way to our door, we couldn't …